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Define Hydraulic Events

Define Hydraulic Events

Once the inundation configuration is created, the hydraulic characteristics of an event must be defined. HEC-FIA accepts hydraulic data from HEC-DSS time-series and/or gridded files computed by a hydraulics model (e.g., HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, HEC-ResSim, etc.). Note: Defining hydraulic events in HEC-FIA allows the user to map or set the path to the file but this step does not copy the file. Therefore, it is recommended to store HEC-DSS and/or gridded hydraulic data in the shared directory within the HEC-FIA study directory to ensure that the file(s) are stored with the project and shared between individuals.

Define HEC-DSS Time Series Events

When events are created using HEC-DSS files, HEC-FIA uses the watershed configuration that was associated with the inundation configuration to determine where the user has pre-defined output to be required. In a watershed configuration, the user has selected one or more of the following: a reservoir set, a cross section set, a storage area set, or a CCP set (standard or CCPs with holdout distribution areas).

During the import of those watershed elements, the user was required to define the mapping for A, B, and/or C parts for each element that was imported (review Watershed). HEC-FIA utilizes the A, B and C parts defined by the user at each location to compute a hydraulic event.

The user must select a HEC-DSS file path, and a computational output (E part) for inundation configurations (i.e., CCP OnlyCross Sections Only, and Grids and Cross Sections) which require mapping to .dss time series files. Further, the HEC-DSS file path must coordinate with the A, B, and C parts imported in the CCP, cross section, or storage area set used in the selected watershed configuration (step 2 of the *New Inundation Configuration wizard, review Creating New Inundation Configurations). To define HEC-DSS time series events:

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